famous Car Brands
Merek Mobil
Cars Made in Japan
Car brands from Japan have been very popular
and well-known in the world, especially Indonesia, and have even become a pride
and have an image for Japanese brand users, this is because the quality of this
car brand from sakura country is very reliable to use, no wonder these
manufacturers and factories are always flooded with orders to meet consumer
demands from various countries in the world.
Merk mobil asal jepang sudah sangat populer dan terkenal di dunia khususnya Indonesia, bahkan sudah menjadi kebanggaan dan punya image bagi pengguna merk jepang, hal ini disebabkan kualitas merk mobil asal negeri sakura ini sangat handal untuk digunakan, tidak heran produsen dan pabrik ini selalu kebanjiran order untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen dari berbagai negara di dunia.
Honda, Lexus, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Mazda, Acura, Nissan, Subaru, Daihatsu, Suzuki
American-Made Cars
II. Cars are one type of vehicle that is the focus of production for automotive industry players in the United States. several popular and favorite United States car brands.
Mobil menjadi salah satu jenis kendaraan yang menjadi fokus produksi bagi para pelaku industri otomotif di Amerika Serikat. beberapa merek mobil Amerika Serikat yang populer dan menjadi favorit.
Buick, Cadilla, Lincoln, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, General Motors, Jeep, Tesla
III. German-Made Cars
German car brands are very popular among people who use German car brands because their products are famous for comfort, high quality, and speed. These three things are the best aspects of German cars. These cars are known for their speed and power. Here are the famous car brands from Germany:
Merek mobil asal Jerman sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat pengguna merk mobil asal jerman karena produknya terkenal dengan kenyamanan, kualitas tinggi, dan kecepatan. Ketiga hal ini merupakan aspek terbaik dari mobil Jerman. Mobil-mobil ini dikenal karena kecepatan dan kekuatannya. Berikut merk mobil terkenal asal jerman :
Audi, Mercedes Benz, BMW,
Volkswagen, Porsche, OPEL, Adler, Alpina, DKW